Continental F163 Gas parts include Inframe Kit, Overhaul Kit.
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Engine CID | Cylinders | Bore | Stroke |
3.4375 | 4.375 |
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Rod Journal | Main Journal |
1.9365-1.9375' or 2.0619-2.0627 | 2.2490-2.2500' or 2.3744-2.3752 |
N/A |
In-Frame Kit: F162 Continental F162, F163, FS162, F4162, F4162A, LF162, PF162 Gas Engines
In-Frame Kit: F162) If you need to know the detailed contents of this kit please call us toll free.
Out-of-Frame Kit: Early F163 Continental F162, F163, FS162, F4162, F4162A, LF162, PF162 Gas Engines
Out-of-Frame Kit: Early F163) Call 1-800-443-0625 for more info: Includes: Sleeve (where used) & P.
Out-of-Frame Kit: F162 Continental F162, F163, FS162, F4162, F4162A, LF162, PF162 Gas Engines
Out-of-Frame Kit: F162) Call 1-800-443-0625 for more info: Includes: Sleeve (where used) & Piston .
Out-of-Frame Kit: Late F163 Continental F162, F163, FS162, F4162, F4162A, LF162, PF162 Gas Engines
Out-of-Frame Kit: Late F163) Call 1-800-443-0625 for more info: Includes: Sleeve (where used) & Pi.
Continental F163 Engine Specs