Free Fonts » Serif » Garamond Bold
Added Mar 22 201119,274 Downloads
- Garamonb.ttf
- Weight: Bold
- Version: Version Converted from E:WINDOWSSYSTEMGARAMOND.BF1 by ALLTYPE
- No. of Characters:: 399
- Encoding Scheme:
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
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- The Garamond Bold font contains 399 beautifully designed characters. ️ Customize your own preview on to make sure it`s the right one for your designs. Free Fonts Menu.
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Monotype Garamond Pro Bold Font Free Download Install
What is the Monotype Garamond font?
Monotype Garamond is based on roman types cut by Jean Jannon in 1615. Jannon followed the designs of Claude Garamond which had been cut in the previous century. Garamond’s types were in turn, based on those used by Aldus Manutius in 1495 and cut by Francesco Griffo. The Monotype Garamond Italic fonts are based on types cut in France circa 1557 by Robert Granjon.
Monotype Garamond is a beautiful typeface with an air of informality that looks good in a wide range of applications. It works particularly well in books and lengthy text settings.
Monotype Garamond Font families
The Monotype Garamond includes the following font families:
Monotype Garamond Std Bold Font Free Download
- Monotype Garamond Pro Roman
- Monotype Garamond Pro Italic
- Monotype Garamond Pro Italic Alternate
- Monotype Garamond Pro Bold
- Monotype Garamond Pro Bold Italic
- Monotype Garamond Std Roman
- Monotype Garamond Std Italic
- Monotype Garamond Std Alt Italic
- Monotype Garamond Std Bold
- Monotype Garamond Std Bold Italic
- Garamond MT Bold
- Monotype Garamond Bold Italic
- Monotype Garamond WGL
- Monotype Garamond WGL Italic
- Monotype Garamond WGL Bold
- Monotype Garamond WGL Bold Italic
Monotype Garamond Preview
Free Fonts
Here is a preview of how Monotype Garamond will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.