Svg Edit

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By default and where supported, SVG-Edit can store your editor preferences and SVG content locally on your machine so you do not need to add these back each time you load SVG-Edit. If, for privacy reasons, you do not wish to store this information on your machine, you can change away from the default option below. Boxy SVG is a vector graphics editor simillar to Adobe Illustrator, Sketch and Inkscape. Made with and for the modern Web Platform. Can do illustrations, icons, banners. Commercial Mac Windows Chrome OS Chrome. SVG Editor Vector Paint is a drawing program, with a simple yet powerful interface, that lets you draw points, lines, curves and shapes. By converting an SVG image or icon to an Office shape you can disassemble the SVG file and edit individual pieces of it. Converting the file is quite easy; just right-click the SVG image in your document, workbook, or presentation and select Convert to shape from the context menu that appears. As the name suggests, the Free SVG Editor allows users to make changes to their SVG images in order to suit their requirements. SVG is a platform to for creating 2D graphics in XML.

(see also licenses for dev. deps.)

(Note: The license provenance of the images in /editor/images may not befully clear, even with the origin of some of the images listed as being from We would like toreplace these images if their provenance cannot be determined or is found tobe under a protective license. If you know of the original terms, or can helpcreate SVG replacement images, please let us know at:#377.)

SVG-edit is a fast, web-based, JavaScript-driven SVG drawing editor thatworks in any modern browser.

Help wanted

While we have made some recent releases to SVG-edit for bug fixes,refactoring and documentation to make the codebase more maintainable, thecore developers responsible for the bulk of the drawing features are nolonger active with the project, so we would love others familiar with SVGto join the project.


Try SVG-edit here

We also build a systemJS version at master

You may also obtain URLs for specific releases. Wise unpacker gui download.


Quick install

  1. Clone or copy the repository contents (at least the editor directory). Please note that you should not do a recursive Git clone (i.e., with the --recursive or --recurse-submodules flags), as you will get assorted past versions (which are available on the parent as branches anyways). (The reason these past versions are available as submodules is merely for convenience in hosting these versions, along with master, online on Github Pages.)
  2. If you need programmatic customization, see its section below.
  3. Otherwise, just add an iframe to your site, adding any extensions or configuration (see docs/tutorials/ ([ConfigOptions]{@tutorial ConfigOptions})) within the URL:

Integrating SVG-edit into your own npm package


These steps are only needed if you wish to set up your own npm packageincorporating SVGEdit. You will need to have Node.js/npm installed.

  1. Create and enter an empty folder somewhere on your desktop.
  2. Create your npm package: npm init (complete the fields).
  3. Install SVG-edit into your package: npm i --save svgedit.
  4. Look within node_modules/svgedit/, e.g., node_modules/svgedit/src/editor/svg-editor.html for the files your package needs and use accordingly (from outside of node_modules).
  5. If you want to publish your own work, you can use npm publish.

Programmatic customization

  1. If you are not concerned about supporting ES6 Modules (see the “ES6 Modules file” section), you can add your config directly to svgedit-config-iife.js within the SVG-Edit project root.
  2. Note: Do not remove the import svgEditor.. code which is responsible for importing the SVG edit code. Versions prior to 3.0 did not require this, but the advantage is that your HTML does not need to be polluted with extra script references.
  3. Modify or utilize any options. See docs/tutorials/ ([ConfigOptions]{@tutorial ConfigOptions}).

ES6 Modules file

  1. svg-editor-es.html is an HTML file directly using ES6 modules. It is only supported in the latest browsers. It is probably mostly useful for debugging, as it requires more network requests. If you would like to work with this file, you should make configuration changes in svgedit-config-es.js (in the SVG-Edit project root).
  2. If you are working with the ES6 Modules config but also wish to work with the normal svg-editor.html version (so your code can work in older browsers or get the presumable performance benefits of this file which references JavaScript rolled up into a single file), you can follow these steps after any config changes you make, so that your changes can also be automatically made available to both versions.
    1. JavaScript:
      1. Run npm install within the svgedit directory (node_modules/svgedit if you installed via npm) and the root repository directory if you cloned the Git repository instead. This will install the build tools for SVG-edit.
      2. Run npm run build-by-config within the svgedit directory mentioned in the step above.
        1. This will rebuild svgedit-config-iife.js (applying Babel to allow it to work on older browsers and applying Rollup to build all JavaScript into one file). The file will then contain non-ES6 module JavaScript that can work in older browsers. Note that it bundles all of SVGEdit, so it is to be expected that this file will be much larger in size than the original ES6 config file.
    2. HTML:
      1. If you wish to make changes to both HTML files, it is recommended that you work and test on svg-editor-es.html and then run npm run build-html to have the changes properly copied to svg-editor.html.

Recent news

  • 2020-02-22 Published 6.0.0 License clarifications/updates, PDF export improvements, clipboard sessionStorage, and other changes.
  • 2019-11-16 Published 5.1.0 Misc. fixes and refactoring
  • 2019-05-07 Published 5.0.0 Change from @babel/polyfill
  • 2019-04-03 Published 4.3.0 Fix for double click on gradient picker droplets affecting some browsers and dragging control point of arc. Other misc. fixes. Some accessibility and i18n.
  • 2018-12-13 Published 4.2.0 (Chinese (simplified) and Russian locale updates; retaining lines with grid mode)
  • 2018-11-29 Published 4.1.0 (Fix for hyphenated locales, svgcanvas distributions)
  • 2018-11-16 Published 4.0.0/4.0.1 (Move to Promise-based APIs)
  • 2018-11-01 Published 3.2.0 (Update qunit to resolve security vulnerability of a dependency)
  • 2018-10-25 Published 3.1.1 (Fix for saving SVG on Firefox)
  • 2018-10-24 Published 3.1.0 (Redirect on modular page for non-module-support;versions document (for migrating))
  • 2018-10-22 Published 3.0.1 (Revert fix affecting polygon selection)
  • 2018-10-21 Published 3.0.0 (misc. improvements including centering canvas andkey locale fixes since last RC)
  • 2018-09-30 Published 3.0.0-rc.3 with security and other fixes
  • 2018-07-31 Published 3.0.0-rc.2 with misc. fixes
  • 2018-07-19 Published 3.0.0-rc.1 allowing for extensions and locales to beexpressed as modules
  • 2018-05-26 Published 3.0.0-alpha.2 with ES6 Modules support
  • 2017-07 Added to Packagist:
  • 2015-12-02 SVG-edit 2.8.1 was released.
  • 2015-11-24 SVG-edit 2.8 was released.
  • 2015-11-24 Code, issue tracking, and docs are being moved to github (previously
  • 2014-04-17 2.7 and stable branches updated to reflect 2.7.1 important bug fixes for the embedded editor.
  • 2014-04-07 SVG-edit 2.7 was released.
  • 2013-01-15 SVG-edit 2.6 was released.
Svg-edit google


  • Introduction to SVG-edit (Version 2.2)

Supported browsers

Further reading and more information

  • Participate in discussions
  • See docs for more documentation. See the JSDocs for our latest release.
  • Acknowledgements lists open source projects used in svg-edit.
  • See AUTHORS file for authors.
  • StackOverflow group.

Svg Editing

Svg editor macOffice

Older references

  • Join the svg-edit mailing list.
  • Join us on #svg-edit on (or use the web client).

Svg Editor

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